Ep. 33: Savannah's Haunted Bradley Lock & Key, The I-95 Killer
In this week’s episode we talk about the haunted Bradley Lock & Key. Located in downtown Savannah, this staple of the historic district has been serving the area since 1883, and is one of the oldest locksmith shops in the country. But like...
In this week’s episode we talk about the haunted Bradley Lock & Key. Located in downtown Savannah, this staple of the historic district has been serving the area since 1883, and is one of the oldest locksmith shops in the country.
But like everything else in Savannah, this one has its share of paranormal activity as well.
We also explore Bradley family’s tie to the I-95 killer, a serial killer who terrorized the east coast in the mid 90s.
On What We’re Watching, we review the 2022 Action/Drama film, “Top Gun: Maverick.”
And on Layla and Coffee talk, we find out how much a green thumb, err, paw they have.
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