July 31, 2024

Scary Savannah is Back!

Howdy everyone! We wanted to drop a little announcement - starting this week, we’re back! We’ve enjoyed our little sabbatical to rejuvenate ourselves and now we’re ready to bring you the stories you’ve been waiting for, starting with another...

Howdy everyone! We wanted to drop a little announcement - starting this week, we’re back!

We’ve enjoyed our little sabbatical to rejuvenate ourselves and now we’re ready to bring you the stories you’ve been waiting for, starting with another episode of the police blotter this week!

In this little bonus episode we talk about some of the things we’ve been doing in our time off.

Thanks so much for being patient with us and listening to the show.

Find us on the web: https://www.scarysavannahandbeyond.com

Hate ads? Looking for extra content? You can get ad-free listening through Patreon! Plus additional other content, not on our main feed. Please go check it out at:


Please leave us a 5 star review, and we’ll read it on air! You can find a link to do this on our webpage, just click on the links tab. If you do, send us a message through the contact form on our webpage, let us know, and we’ll send you some free Scary Savannah stickers!

Give us a call and leave a voicemail about a story idea or a message for the podcast (we’ll play it on the show!) ph. 912-406-2899

Get some goods at our awesome merch store!


Visit us on social media:

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/scarysavannah

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scarysavannah

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scarysavannah

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/scarysavannah

Tik-Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@scarysavannah

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/scarysavannahandbeyond

Make sure to visit our store for some awesome merchandise!