May 4, 2024
Tybee Island Police Blotter
We hope everyone's been enjoying our ongoing series on the Tybee Island Police Blotter.
The other night we were at one of our favorite bars on the island when a lady in distress came in, and asked the bartender to call the police.
They came and helped her with her issue (which we're not sure what it was).
There were three officers, and as they were leaving, one of them noticed Crystal and said he loves our show.
So I guess we are being heard by Tybee's finest, haha!
This week we're going to be talking about Orange Crush and other crazy events. Make sure to tune in on 5/5/24 at 8PM ET to hear more!
Scary Savannah Update!
Good morning everyone! We wanted to apologize for disappearing from the radar for a while.
While we had taken a break earlier this year, it turns out we needed a little more time to breathe away from the show.
But now, we're rested and recharged, …
Guest episode with Campfire Stories - episode 201
You may have missed it, but for a special Halloween episode we guested with Aaron Sauerland on his amazing "Campfire Stories" podcast.
In it we talk about the Marshall House. It was a great time! Check it out below: